Monday, December 31, 2012

six weeks

It's been six weeks since I last blogged.

Six weeks since I wrote about Sadira's birthday, and turning five.

So much has happened in the past six weeks.  Things that I want to write about.  Things that I NEED to write about.

I'll be honest, I've felt a little off-balance, not blogging during these past six weeks.

I've felt a little like something was missing.  My recap.  My reflection.

Writing has become a bit cathartic for a weird way.  It's obviously my life that I'm blogging about, but somehow in the re-telling of the story, the documenting of what happened, the who, what, when, where, helps me process, reflect, and gain some clarity.

And that's been missing.

So many things have happened.

Yet somehow they feel unfinished.


So now, on the heels of a new year, I'm posting an abbreviated recap of our past six weeks.  With the complete stories hopefully to come.

I feel like 2013 is going to be a big year for Sadira and I.  But I don't want to leave 2012 without giving it it's due credit.

So here it 6 week recap.

Courtesy of my handy log of iPhone pictures. :-)

After Sadira's birthday, we spend a fun weekend in Philadelphia...

 Celebrated Poppop's birthday and Kerri's birthday...

Thanksgiving was quick to follow...we were blessed to have both Aunties join us once again.

Then Sadira started a small project...

...which turned into a Big project...

...which turned into a HUGE project.

The Christmas season was well underway, and with it came some of our favorite traditions, including Festival of Trees...

...Cookie bakes with friends...

...and Christmas parties at school and dance class.

A birthday party for Tallulah...

...and finally a quick trip to New York with my littlest sister.

Christmas with the family..

...and a New Year to begin with just a day left.

There are some challenges coming up in 2013...Sadira's dad is moving back to Ohio and that will be an adjustment for us.  Mostly for me, as I'm stressing to figure out how to do it all, and be everywhere I need to be.  But there are amazing things on the horizon...visits and trips with friends, excitement with my new job, which I love, and a sweet, new baby cousin just waiting to be born.

Hopefully I can catch up and tell the story of the past six weeks, before the next six fly by.

Happy impending 2013!


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