Friday, August 17, 2012

friday flashback: janet takes new york!

22. Get Janet to New York. - DONE!

This Friday Flashback is brought to you courtesy of my own procrastination.  There is something else I planned on posting today, but it may be a little too heavy of a topic to blog about right at the I'm procrastinating and writing about something ELSE that I had already procrastinated about and didn't finish.

Wheeee procrastination!!!

But this IS something else that is fun :-)

This is Janet:

Janet is my awesome daycare provider.  Sadira's been going to Janet since she was 18 months old.

I met Janet through Kerri.

This is Kerri (and me):

Kerri is my friend of many years, and her son Sean (BooBoo) is Sadira's best friend.  Kerri and Sean frequently are found on this blog.

This is Erica:

Wait.  That picture doesn't really sum up Erica's personality very well..let's try this again...

THIS is Erica:

That's more like it. ;-)

Erica has two children, Vinnie and Gigi, who both went to Janet's for years.  Gigi is just a few months older than Sadira, and they started at Janet's at almost the same time.

This is Sara:

Sara is Janet's eldest daughter.

This is Miranda:

Miranda is Janet's youngest daughter.

Janet's friend Donna and her daughter Jenny also came along.

(This is Donna...with Janet, not Jenny):

So anyway, this story starts a long long time ago, when Sadie and I had returned from one of our many trips to New York City.   Sadira was telling Janet all about the M&M store (her favorite place) and at some point Janet mentioned she had never been to New York before.  

Stop the presses.

Never been to New York?  How could that be?

We had to change that.

So from that point, it was decided that we would get Janet to New York.  I talked to a couple of the other moms (Erica and Kerri) and we all agreed that we wanted to do something special for Janet and take her on a day trip with her girls to New York.  Originally it was going to be a birthday present, but September (Janet's birthday month) ended up being way too busy, so we postponed til April.

We took an early bus up.  It was supposed to rain all day, but we got lucky.  It actually didn't rain until we boarded the bus to come home. :-)

It was a looong day, but very fun.  And Erica got to love up on the Naked Cowboy, who despite our many trips to NYC, I had never seen "in the flesh" before.

Our day is probably best told through some pictures...

Janet, like most moms, doesn't take the time out very often to do something fun for HER.  So even though we were tired and sore after a long day walking around in the city, I was so glad we could organize this day for HER.

I hope you enjoyed your slice of the Big Apple, Janet!!!


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