Thursday, August 2, 2012

once in a blue moon

Today's post is a two-fer.  Cause that shot is most definitely my phursday phavorite photo.  I mean, seriously, look at that moon!  I love it.  I'm in love.  And the best part?  I took it from my front steps.  LOVE.

So I had this really great idea yesterday as I was about to leave work that Sadie and I could go rollerskating at the park near our house and take a picnic dinner with us...knocking out two of the items on our summer list, and having some fun before the Olympics came on tonight.

But then I walked outside, and it was hot.

And then I got in my car (that still has no A/C) and it was even hotter.

And then I drove home in traffic, and it was hot AND humid.

And by the time I picked Sadie up from daycare and got home, I really just wanted to lay low and stay indoors.

So I thought it would be fun to do the Oreo moon project that I had thrown on our summer list (orginally spied on Pinterest) when all of sudden I heard Brian Williams on the NBC Nightly News mention that it was a full moon tonight.  And not just any moon...a BLUE moon month.  Meaning that in the month of August there will be TWO full moons, one on the first (last night) and one on the 31st.  The second full moon of the month is called the blue moon.

This is special because it apparently only happens every 2-3 years.  So the last one was in December 2009, and the next one won't happen until  July 2015.

Well, hot damn!  If that isn't good timing, I don't know what is.

So we did our project:

Added a very special BLUE moon:

Took a peek outside to observe the real moon for ourselves

And then while Sadira enjoyed eating the moons from our lesson,  I enjoyed my very own Blue Moon--the beer, not the Oreos.

Happy Thursday!


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