Thursday, July 26, 2012

phursday phavorite photo

Since my 365 project is complete, I wanted to find some way to keep up with my favorite photo collection.  And although I don't have the time commitment to continue with another 365 project, I decided to do something weekly.

I was looking for a phancy phun name phor this photo project, and decided on "phursday phavorite photo."  (Now I realize that that's spelled incorrectly, and that's part of phun.)  "Phursday" because that's the way Sadie's best friend Sean pronounces words that start with "th-" (for example, "Nassy can I have some water, I'm firsty"); however I changed it to "ph-" to match (you catching what I'm throwing out here!?)   I'm phairly certain that he may be ended his little "th-" lisp shortly, though, because I'm pretty sure I heard him pronounce a "th-" word correctly last week, and that made me sad. It's like one of the last baby-ish things about him, and I want to hold on to it phorever.


So anyway, here we go.  Phirst phavorite photo in what I hope to keep up on a weekly basis.

Phederal Hill (alright I'll stop...) Federal Hill last weekend when Brandon and Ashleigh were in town and we were heading to the Orioles' game.

I really love this picture because it's a pretty clear depiction of typical Baltimore rowhomes.  I love the teal shutters, and the difference in height among the houses.  They are the same, yet different.  It sums up much of the charm of Baltimore, or Charm City as it's been nicknamed, but also shows that although Baltimore is very much a city, it's a very TOWNY city.  And you can almost imagine these houses, picked up, plucked apart, stretched out to become big grown up individual homes, and plunked down on Main Street, AnyTown, USA.

Just out of curiosity, I tweaked this photo into black and white, and got this:

I also played with the colors a bit and ended up with this:

Then finally took it a step further, where it almost looks like a product of Instagram in this variation:

I think I still like the original, straight out of the camera, the best...but I like that despite the variety of color tweaks, the general mood of the photo stays in tact.

A little chunk of Charm City at its phinest.


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